
Serrellars Circuit — 3 Comments

  1. Helen & I walked this on 10/02/21. Nice walk and easy to follow, but it took us 3h 40m of walking time – to do it in 3 hours you would have to be moving fairly quickly.

  2. Did this as part of a group of 6 yesterday and the instructions worked fine. The path referenced in the first para (15m after building) is very indistinct now, but still works!

  3. Thank you. Lovely walk. Very helpful instructions, particularly the way to find the first path as it was overgrown and hard to see and we struggled to find the same path on the way down. Apart from that the paths were easy to find and follow.
    We also took longer to do the walk – nearly 4 hours but slowed down by trying to find the paths.

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